I am wanting to learn Photoshop, I have no previous experience. Since I am a visual kinda person, does anyone know of some good Photoshop Video Tutorials....free or not.
Any helpful websites would be appreciated also.
Wanting to learn Photoshop?adware
www.piczo.com/sweet-song-16 has some tutorials
Wanting to learn Photoshop?antivirus scan
Tutorials suck!!! I learned photoshop in no time just playing with it...ctrl-z and ctrl-alt-z are VERY useful to go back...other-wise just bring your mouse over your tools and they will tell you what the hot-keys are, like b=brush g=gradient or fill z=zoom ect.
go to google.com and type in photoshop and click on the link and it will say free trial..it last 30 days
Photoshop for Dummies, Idiot's Guide to Photoshop, or the best way is take it in a night school class. I learned in depth Photoshop skills in College as part of my Journalism class. And without an experienced instructor there, things can get a little tricky.
I don't know where you are but the community college here offers a class called "Photoshop Elements" for $60 Check your nearby college or university.
Hi. Visit NAPP website. There is everything. Great things and explained with simplicity and humour. And many videos and other tutorials to download, a shop, a Photoshop TV Podcast...
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