Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photoshop and Dreamweaver Help?

Ok i designed my site using photoshop then imported it as an image into dreamweaver, what do i have to do to be able to write text on top of the image and to add a form cause now whenever i add a form it goes right to the bottom of the image and not on top of it. Thanks jake

Photoshop and Dreamweaver Help?virus protection

Depends on what the picture looks like, you can make the body background your image, then put tables over the image to put text and forms.

Or you can use Photoshop to slice the picture, and then put thoes in diffrent tables to make sure they run togeather.

Photoshop and Dreamweaver Help?agv

The best way to import your image into Dreamweaver from Photoshop is to not import it as 1 giant image. You should use the Slice Tool in Photoshop and slice up bigger chunks of the document. For instance, you should slice up your Navigation area, split the content area up as needed, and then make a slice for a footer. When you go into Save For Web, you can optimize your sliced images to get the lowest possible file size without damaging image quality. If you choose Save HTML and Image at the save screen, Photoshop will store HTML information for you inside the folder you saved to. When you open up this HTML file in Dreamweaver, Your document will already be built for you, and your content area will be its own box. This will allow you to type directly into the content area.

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