Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photoshop question???

I had just made a flyer for my boyfriend and after I saved and closed it realized a few problems... now all the layers have merged, i took a photoshop class in school, but i forgot if i can do anything about this... am i pretty much screwed?

Photoshop question???virus scanner

Next time make sure that you save your photoshop file as a .psd file. It is the native file format of photoshop which preserves layers.

If you saved you file in .bmp, .jpg, or .gif; then you're out of luck, you can't do anything to get the layers back.

If you're expert in photoshop, then probably you can use selection tools like magic lasso to re-create all the layers.

Photoshop question???anti virus software

hmmmm sorry to say, you cannot revert it back once you merged it and saved and closed :(

next time make a backup or dont even merge psd files, just save the output as jpeg or tiff to take with you :)
I believe so.. I feel your pain. Next time you should save a separate file as a .psd so that you can refer back to it if there are any problems (the layers are preserved in .psd).

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