Monday, June 21, 2010

Photoshop outline?

gee wizz fellas, how do you outline an image on photoshop such as in some kind of silkscreen print? Warhol-ish? t

Photoshop outline?systemworks

I think what you're looking for is "Posterize".

You can find it under Image --%26gt; Adjustments--%26gt; Posterize...

The lower you set the number, the more dramatic the effect is.

To add some outlines, you could also try making a duplicate layer above the posterized one, use Filters --%26gt; Stylize --%26gt; Find Edges; set this layer to "Multiply" and then adjust the contrast via curves/levels/brightness-contrast.

Photoshop outline?windows

try image/ threshold and levels, or filter/ photocopy and sketch/ pen and ink, and other duotone modes like bitmap,


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